A couple updates: Adam is better. He woke up better on Sunday and fine on Monday. It's so nice having him back to his old self because he is so sweet. His smile and dimples are just so cute. Melts your heart. He will be a heart-breaker one day.
Going back to work this week has been tough. Today was the biggest wake-up call because I had back-to-back-to-back meetings all day. And I haven't gotten home until 6 the last two nights. Hopefully that is only temporary.
Working out is going well. I took the day off today, but had worked out Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. It's going well and I'm getting into the running groove. I've done 7 miles so far this week and have two days left to work out. I should be able to meet my 12 mile go pretty easily. Now I need to work toward increasing my speed though because I'm still running at a jogging pace.
Also, I mentioned Oprah last time and her shows the last two days have not disappointed. For one, it takes such guts to admit on national television the shame she felt in 2008 due to her weight gain. If she can do that, I can get up and go to the gym every day. I really admire that. Yesterday's show was with Dr. Oz and was about the things you should do to be healthy:
-Quit smoking (I don't smoke)
-Schedule a check-up with your doctor
-Know the 5 ingredients to avoid - High fructose corn syrup (found in soda), sugar, enriched flour, trans fats or hydrogenated fats, and saturated fats. None of these should be in the first 5 ingredients of anything you eat that is packaged.
-Add healthy foods to your diet
--5-7 servings of antioxidants daily (tomatos, broccoli, red, kidney and pinto beans, blueberries, artichokes and dried prunes) A serving is like a handful and I have to admit, this seems difficult to do every day.
--3g of Omega 3's daily (ground flax seeds, 12 walnuts, squash, salmon, scallops, soybeans)
--25g fiber/day (lentils, black beans, peas, raspberries, pine nuts)
--1 tablespoon olive oil/day (virgin olive oil or extra virgin olive oil)
-Take a Multivitamin - for women, no more than 5,000 units of Vitamin A/day. Also need iron.
-Know your numbers
--Know your waist size (measure at your belly button. Should be less than half of your height. For most women that's less than 37 inches.
--Know your blood pressure - 115/75 is ideal. The first number shouldn't be over 140 and the second number shouldn't be over 90.
--Know your cholesterol - LDL should be less than 100, HDL should be greater than 40.
--Know your resting heart rate. Should be as close to 60 beats per minute as possible.
--Know your vitamin D levevls - you need 15 minutes of sun/day or 1,000 units of Vitamin D/day
--Know your creactive protein level and your TSH level - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Oprah had a thyroid problem that led to her recent weight gain).
-Find a health advocate who can help you understand your health issues if you have them. This could be a doctor, spouse or friend.
-Organize your health records and always have an updated copy of your medical file.
-Get key medical tests
--Annual physical
--Dentist every 6 months
--Annual skin test by a dermatologist
--Eye exam every 2 years
--Women - pap smear and pelvic exam annually and annual mammograms between 35-40
--At 50, get a echo cardio gram, stress test and colonoscopy
--At 65, a hearing test
--At 60, a bone density test
-Exercise - Start walking. 10,000 steps/day. Start with 30 minutes of walking a day, which is about 3,000 steps. Healthy body fat ratios for women are between 25 and 31 percent. Also 30 minutes of strength training/week.
-7-8 hours of sleep a night.
I thought this list was really helpful. Even if you just do some of these things, you'll be in better health than you were before. I'm going to look into some of these things. Here's to better health in 2009!
Anyway, I'm already ready for this week to be over. Abby has a birthday party on Saturday (Eric from her day care, who she says is her new best friend there. Trenton gave her a dirty look so they are not best friends any more, she says.) I have book club on Sunday. We're going to a chocolate bar, which is not going to be good for my diet. That will be a challenge. I'll have to be really careful what I eat that day. But this is our first book club since November so I'll be glad to go. Of course, I don't read the books any more because I'm just too busy. I'm just there for the social interaction. And I'm sure there's some football on for Seth to watch. Hope every one else has a good weekend.